Six evenings, from 5th of July to 8th of August 2023, in our splendid Norman Amphitheater: the fourth “Festival delle Colline Mediterranee” will re-propose the formula that guaranteed the success of the previous editions, with an alternation of moments of discussion on cultural and current affairs and evenings dedicated to music, dance, theater and live performances.
Here is the complete program of this year’s edition.
Wednesday 5th of July (8pm) – “NORMANNO AWARD” GALA – The opening evening will be dedicated to the theme of youth problems and will see the participation of the Film Commission of the Campania Region, with the actors of the most successful fiction filmed in Campania and in particular of “Mare Fuori”, which tells the story of young prisoners and staff of the imaginary IPM (juvenile penitentiary institute), inspired by the Nisida prison. Supported by the Department of Social and Youth Policies of the Municipality of Salerno, the evening will see the involvement of educators and children from the 17 multi-purpose reception and rehabilitation centers in the Salerno area.
Wednesday 12nd of July (8pm) – “IL SUO CANTO LIBERO” – The evening will feature Ernesto Assante, journalist and music critic of “La Repubblica”, author and television and radio host, author of the volume “Lucio Battisti” for Mondadori. Assante will talk about the artist and multifaceted genius, life and his immortal songs, celebrating the timeless myth of Battisti. The Alfina Scorza Quartet, curated by the G. Martucci Conservatory of Salerno, will perform the most famous hits of the unforgettable singer-songwriter.
Wednesday 19th of July (8pm) – “THE ACTUALITY OF PEACE” 80 YEARS SINCE THE LANDING OF 9 SEPTEMBER 1943 – The evening will be opened by the theatrical event “Studio per Attori in Guerra” by Andrea Carraro and will be dedicated to debate and insight into the conflict in Ukraine, with the participation of historians, entrepreneurs, journalists and religious, on the eightieth anniversary of Operation Avalanche, in collaboration with UCID. Speakers: Vincenzo Napoli, mayor of Salerno; Franco Alfieri, President of the Province of Salerno; Andrea Prete, president of Unioncamere; Antonia Autuori, president of the Salerno Community Foundation; Marco Gambardella, president of the Confindustria Salerno Youth Group; Michele Albanese, general manager of Banca Monte Pruno; Vincenzo Boccia, president of Luiss Guido Carli.
Wednesday 26th of July (8pm) – “TANGO FOR PEACE” – The evening will see the famous Argentine dancers Yanina Quiñones and Neri Piliu, world tango champions and international masters and Celina Rotundo and Hugo Patyn, with live music by Guillermo Fernandez (vocals) and the Tango Sonos Orchestra (piano and bandoneón).
Wednesday 2nd of August (8pm) – MIXED BY ERRY PARTY – The evening will be dedicated to fun and dancing with the hits of the 80s and 90s, mixed by the deejay Erry Frattasio protagonist of “Mixed by Erry” by the director from Salerno Sidney Sibilia. To introduce the revival evening will be the writer Corrado De Rosa who talks about disco music and Tangentopoli.
Tuesday 8th of August (8pm) – NINO FRASSICA & Los Plaggers Band Tour 2000/3000 – The extraordinary closing evening of the Festival will see the live show of the great Sicilian artist, who will be accompanied by a band made up of six formidable musicians and will offer an irresistible cabaret concert: an authentic operation of musical memory, with a repertoire made up of over one hundred famous pieces, revised and corrected in the unmistakable manner of Nino Frassica.
Info and reservations for the evenings of 5, 12 and 19 July: 339.8521212 – 366.7085494
Tickets on sale on ETES.IT for the shows on 26 July, 2 August and 8 August.
The Mediterranean Hills Festival – promoted by the cultural association “Do.Po.” in homage to the entrepreneur Domenico Postiglione, founder of the Tenuta dei Normanni di Salerno – it benefits from the patronage of the Campania Region, the Municipality of Salerno, the Province of Salerno, the Chamber of Commerce of Salerno, Confindustria Salerno; the support of the Municipality of Salerno, the Chamber of Commerce of Salerno, Confindustria Salerno, Banca Monte Pruno, Milara – Gruppo Postiglione, Fondazione Carisal, Casa del Contemporaneo, Teatro Ghirelli, Gruppo Center concessionaire, Estasi Profumerie, Azienda Pergola di Biagio and Pierpaolo Pergola, Nappa Group and the partnership with the Maximall Shopping Center and Cilento Outlet, the Saccone Foundation, FG Industria Grafica, the Blind Union of Salerno, the “L’Abbraccio Odv” Association, Coldiretti Salerno and Mulino Urbano.